Below are the questions that our respected customers regularly ask:
Yes, it is. We keep all your details private and confidential. Our strict policy regarding recycling of custom papers also protects you. Any information we obtain from you only helps us to enhance communication between you and our writers. It is our policy not to ask for or retain critical and crucial information such as the customer’s credit card numbers. However, you will have to submit such information to PayPal when paying for your order.
Currently, we recommend making and processing all payments using PayPal for various reasons. One, it is the most popular method of making and processing online payments globally. Two, it is the most-trusted method of processing payments for all online transactions. We do not need, ask for or store your credit card numbers. This guarantees your security. Upon submitting your order, we will forward you to PayPal, where you will be able to make payments using whatever balance you have in your account or furnish the online payment system with your credit card details so that it does the rest for you.
Our rates are the norm in this industry. Through these rates, we are able to hire the most talented and competent writers. The rates also enable us to keep the writers motivated, so they continue churning excellent materials for you. Keep a close eye on firms that charge as low as $7 for writing original papers from scratch. It’s impossible for such firms to attract and retain the best writers willing to produce high-quality work at such low rates.
Yes, we do. Find out more at our Money-Back Guarantee Policy page.
A very competent writer will start working on your paper the moment you submit your order to us. Our writers are from various English-speaking countries around the world. A few examples of the countries they hail from include Australia, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Canada. What is more, they are highly learned with post-graduate degrees and massive experience in academic writing. They are responsible and renowned for churning unique, original, and non-plagiarized papers of the highest quality that surpass clients’ expectations.
We assign each paper to writers based on various factors. We consider each writer’s academic qualifications in addition to writing history. We look at each writer’s rating, availability, and readiness to start working on the academic papers.
Yes, you can. We encourage customers to do this frequently. The process is quite straightforward. First, log into your account. Compose a message and send it to the writer, who will then reply as soon as possible, if not immediately. Our support team is also reachable via instant chat, comments, phone, and email. The support team is available to handle your inquiries and questions 24/7. We contact you via email in case the writer working on your order needs more details from you. That said, we advise clients to check their order pages regularly to read and respond to comments made by the writers or support team.
We endeavor to retain writers who produce high-quality work that is free of plagiarism. We enforce this by running each paper that our writers produce through anti-plagiarism software. Through this software, we guarantee you papers that do not contain even an iota of plagiarized content. Each paper is truly unique and original.
Unfortunately, this is not possible. We produce all our papers from scratch. We have never kept a database of pre-written papers and do not intend to do so. We have a policy that prohibits us from reusing papers that we previously produced and sold to other customers too.
Our formatting adheres to industry standards. Each page is double-spaced and has a maximum of 275 words. We limit the font size to 12pt too. We only write using Arial or Times New Romans fonts. We keep each page within a margin of 1” round all the edges. That said, it is worth stating that we are happy to produce papers that meet your exact specifications. Each paper is customized depending on the client’s needs. For this reason, learn to use the field marked “Paper Details” to furnish us with as much information as you can regarding your preferred formatting styles.
Do not worry or panic if you realize that you’re unable to log into your account because you cannot remember your password. Simply go to the login page and click "Forgot Password." You will be required to your email address. Thereafter, a link will be sent immediately to your email address. You should act fast since the link has a lifespan of only 24 hours, after which you may have to repeat the process. The link will not be of much use to you once you use it. Click the "Forgot Password" link on the login page again if you’re unable to use the link sent to you previously for whatever reason.
The editors and support team go through the paper with a fine toothcomb once the writer finishes working on it. This is essential for ensuring that the paper is of the highest quality and written according to your instructions. The editors and support team also check the paper for plagiarism. If all is well, the two parties will label the paper “Delivered.” You will then receive a notification in your email containing a link to your order page. Clicking this link will take you to the order where you would be free to download a locked PDF version of the paper, which is available for preview. Go through the paper carefully. Afterward, you can approve it or ask for revisions. However, you will not be able to print, copy or edit the paper before then. If you are satisfied with the quality to approve it, we will send you the final product, which you can then edit to your taste. The final paper comes in MS Word format. You can access it right on your order page. You can download and print this final version.
You are always free to ask for a revision if the paper is not up to your expected standard. The revisions are not subject to any additional cost to you. However, read our Revision Policy to ascertain that the request for revision meets the guidelines we put in place. You may exercise the option you have of requesting a different writer. Talk with any member of our customer support team to set the order’s status to “Dispute.” If this status meets our Money-Back Guarantee Policy, provisions, you would be entitled to a 100% refund.
The answer to this question depends on your intentions, especially what you do with the final paper. Presenting the final product to your learning institution as your own work would make you a cheat. What is more, you would be violating the policies that has put in place by using the paper in this manner. We recommend using the paper as the foundation for writing your own paper. Let it act as a framework for guiding how you structure your own paper. This option is the professional and universally acceptable way of handling the paper we offer you. No learning or educational institute considers our services illegal.